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President's report 2022

TWIST Club Presidents Report 2022


The inaugural meeting of the TWIST CLUB was in 1976. This past year was the Clubs 47th year. And so, it was another year of continuing the fine tradition of feasting with fine dining, plentiful wine-ing and gentlemanly conviviality. Congratulations all.

Perhaps the most significant decision in the Club’s history was taken at the AGM in February when it was resolved unanimously to change the dress code for the lunches. The hitherto mandatory wearing of neckties was now to be optional. Full advantage has been taken of the change of dress standards without impacting on decorum at our lunches.

Membership, limited to no more than 60, continues to be at or near to capacity. In the past there has been a waiting list. It is testament to the popularity of the lunches that many guests, overcome by the occasion, want to sign up. Pleasing to say that several younger gents have joined and thereby reduced the age profile and increased the wine drinking capacity.

Of significance, was the Executive decision to have a Sunday Ladies Lunch instead of the traditional Ladies Night. The lunch was held at the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club overlooking the Swan River on a glorious afternoon. The bountiful lunch also featured three South West wineries at tasting stands and a champagne Sabrage demonstration by the Pommery Ambassador WA. Numbers for this event were down but for those who attended it was a most pleasant occasion. The Executive in 2023 will review the popularity of this event vis-à-vis a return to tradition.

The Twist Club wine cellar, in a temperature-controlled storage facility, was at capacity and Wine Master, Mark Parsons, undertook the laborious task of rationalising which wines should make space so as to upgrade the quality of cellared wines. To effect a distribution of the culled wines, a lucky draw from the names of all 2022 members will determine sixteen members who will take home a mixed six pack of cellar wines. Otherwise, wines from the cellar are presented at the AGM lunch and Ladies Night/Lunch.

The monthly lunches, special events and end of year winery lunch don’t happen without the contribution of all members of the Executive, i.e. Committee members. It is the behind the scenes liaising and organising the restaurants and wineries, negotiating menus, managing the finances and the website, rustling up fines ($402 raised for charity) etc etc that makes every event successful. My special thanks, and on your behalf, I thank them all for their contributions this year.

VALE Ron Hancock. We lost a long-time friend and valued member this year. Ron joined the Twist Club in 1980. So long Ron.

Position Vacant. Due to the demands of a new business venture our esteemed Vice President, Ray Gianoli, has resigned from the Executive. This leaves a vacancy. At this time discussions are underway for what ultimately might have to be a ‘captains call’.

The current members of the Executive have indicated their willingness to continue their respective roles in 2023. They are –

President Bill Groves Food Master Gary Timms

Vice President vacant Wine master Mark Parsons

Treasurer Hugh Watkins Committee Scott MacKinnon

Secretary Ian Harrison John Baxter

We look forward to another year of enjoyable camaraderie, food, and wine as we bull….

With regards

Bill Groves

President - 2022

Twist Club of WA.

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Peter Dohnt
Peter Dohnt
Feb 13, 2023

Well done president Bill , we loved the courtroom themes absolutely played well by you , the spirit lives on and the cellar is getting a refurb , lets get some good great southern WA wines in the cellar. with 14k in the bank we can afford it . the two H,s Harro and Hugh great work and all the executive team , the life members behind the scenes for their continued contributions, good health for 2023 and good wine food and fellowship , my we wine and bull some more 🍷


Unknown member
Feb 13, 2023

Congratulations on a wonderful 2022 - thanks Mr President and all your committee. With almost the same team leading us through 2023, we look forward with anticipation to another fine series of Twist Club events.

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