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MESSAGE from the President

 2024 – greetings to all Twist Club members.


I look forward to welcoming you to our AGM and first lunch for 2024 at Chez Pierre restaurant on Friday 16 February from 12.30pm.

The AGM is the occasion when we elect the Executive, ie office bearers and committee for the year. This is your opportunity to put your name forward to contribute to the running of your club.

This is A CALLOUT for volunteers – WE NEED YOU. It doesn’t take much time or effort – just a willingness to occasionally contribute.

Give me a call – 040 888 7730 – to let me know that you are willing to come onboard.


A reminder: Last year we voted to make the wearing of a necktie optional. However, we did retain the standard of wearing a Jacket with open neck business shirt. The standard of dress reflects the status of the Twist Club and is our entrée to the better restaurants we seek to dine at. Let us all present appropriately.


Many thanks for your consideration. I look forward to welcoming you at Chez Pierre. If you haven’t already, book your place now. Wines from the Twist club cellar.


Bill Groves


Twist Club of WA

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