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Battlers Luncheon - Friday 24th March

120 Rokeby Road, Subiaco

Arrival: 12:30pm


Pork and Pistachio Terrine, Cornichons, Sourdough


Pan Fried Snapper, capers, sage, brown butter sauce and seasonal vegetables


Skirt Steak, char grilled medium rare, spicy slaw and shoe string fries


Cheese platters for the table served with pear and lavosh


Jeffrey Coen was a valued member of the twist club for many years, a long serving secretary and life member.  The March Lunch is held in honour of his memory.

Jeffrey "the battler" Coen was a valued member of the twist club for many years, a long serving secretary, president and life member. The March Luncheon is held in honour of his memory.

Cost: $100pp by direct transfer - Bank Details: BSB 086-089 AC 771797505

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